Progressive Body Relaxation

Yoga relaxation is a very deep technique that is equal to 4 hours sleep. You will come out of it feeling refreshed and relaxed. You will go to that realm between wakefulness and sleep, so you will feel like you are drifting in and out of sleep, but you are conscious of your surroundings and aware of what is going on around you. At the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga, we offer yoga relaxation at our refresh and relax sessions, our 2-part meditation course, our deep peace sessions and our full day lifestyle workshops. Here is a shortened version that you can practice at home. You could tape it and play it back to yourself or get a friend to guide you through.

· For best results, we recommend you always perform this relaxation while playing a mantra meditation CD. Lie down on your back. Keep your body warm by covering it with a towel or blanket. Let your arms roll away from your body and separate your legs slightly, letting your feet fall outward.

· Become aware of your breath and allow it to slow down and deepen. If your mind becomes distracted just draw it back to your breathing.

· Relax your body by breathing into the body part on the inward breath and relaxing the body part on the outward breath. Relax in this order:

Toes, heels, feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, lower back, middle back upper back, shoulders, upper arms, lower arms, wrists, hands and palms, neck and throat, face, lips, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, temples. Left hand, wrist and forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder; right hand, wrist and forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder; back of the neck, spine, back left buttock, thigh, knee, ankle, sole of foot right buttock, thigh, knee, ankle, sole of foot, abdomen and stomach, ribs and chest, throat, scalp, forehead, temples, cheeks, jaw, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, face.

· Bring your awareness back onto the inward breath; your body expands. On your outward breath, you are experiencing your entire body relaxing. The body as a whole is sinking down into the floor, letting go and releasing all the tension. In this completely relaxed state you can’t feel the body any more. Allow your mind to rest by focusing or listening to the sound vibration of the mantra.

· To come out of the relaxation begin to move your fingers, toes, hands and feet, stretch. Sit up slowly, by rolling on to your left side first.

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga